It is difficult to generalize on this issue, because the reasons for not getting divorced may be varied. The following are some situations that may cause both parties to feel anxious:
1. Neither party wants a divorce: If both parties want to stay married, But for some reason the problem cannot be solved, then both people will feel anxious and confused.
2. One party wants a divorce, but the other party does not: If one party wants a divorce, but the other party does not agree, then the divorcing party will feel anxious and helpless, while the other party who does not want the divorce may feel depressed or helpless.
3. Neither party is sure whether they want a divorce: If both parties are unsure whether they want a divorce, both people may feel anxious and uneasy.
4. The two parties have differences on divorce issues: If the two parties have differences on divorce issues, such as property division, child support, etc., then both people may feel anxious and angry.
If both people feel dissatisfied and uneasy in their marriage, the best solution is to communicate as early as possible and try to solve the problem instead of delaying the divorce.